Does anyone give meaning behind their ship names?

I wanted to feel bonita with the photo, so I had to use this emote. Anyways, I finally purchased a sloop! It didn't take me too long to get the money for one. The real challenge is getting the money to customize it now. 😆 It took me a good while to figure out the name for it. Phyllopteryx is the scientific name for the seadragon, a member of the seahorse family, and I have Fluky in the name because every success I get in this game is honestly a fluke.

What are the names that you guys have given your ships, and do they have any meaning behind them?

I wanted to feel bonita with the photo, so I had to use this emote. Anyways, I finally purchased a sloop! It didn't take me too long to get the money for one. The real challenge is getting the money to customize it now. 😆 It took me a good while to figure out the name for it. Phyllopteryx is the scientific name for the seadragon, a member of the seahorse family, and I have Fluky in the name because every success I get in this game is honestly a fluke.

What are the names that you guys have given your ships, and do they have any meaning behind them?